When it comes to foot and ankle problems, our hope is always to solve them with the use of nonsurgical methods. Our foot doctors provide conservative care to effectively treat bunion symptoms, but the only way of correcting the condition is with surgical procedures. We may also need to operate if the bunion causes severe pain and limits or prohibits normal activities.
If you are considering a bunionectomy, you should know what is entailed with bunion surgery recovery so you can make appropriate plans. Of course, we will discuss any procedures with you thoroughly in advance, including making sure you understand what we are going to do to correct your condition, what needs to be done beforehand, and what you can expect after surgery.
Recovering from bunion surgery can take anywhere from six weeks to six months, depending on the nature of your procedure. A corrective procedure will generally take less time than a bunion removal, which averages between four to six months of recovery time.
During the recovery period, you will wear a cast or surgical boot for the first couple of weeks and stitches need to be kept dry. Once the boot or cast is removed, we will likely provide a brace for support. Because you should avoid weight-bearing on the affected foot, you can expect to use crutches.
Once we have you start placing weight on the foot, you may need a walker or continued use of crutches for support. Icing the foot and toe will help reduce inflammation and lower healing time. There will be swelling, which is normal, so you may need to switch to roomier shoes while the foot heals.
If you live in the greater Austin, TX community and are experiencing the painful symptoms that often accompany bunions, come see our expert doctors at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists. We will provide the care and treatment you need. If you need a bunion procedure to correct a bulging toe joint that is causing problems, trust your feet to a skilled, experienced surgeon who will walk you through the entire process step by step—including recovery.
Are You Looking for a Bunion Specialist in Austin, TX?
If you are looking for bunion care, you should reach out to an experienced podiatrist. Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists can help. Our office provides a wide variety of advanced, effective treatment options for all kinds of painful conditions. Ready to schedule an appointment? Contact us online or call our Austin office at 512.328.8900.