It can be hard to know where to turn for reliable information about diagnosing and treating common foot and ankle problems. You can trust our podiatrists to provide the most up-to-date information available when answering Frequently Asked Questions. If the answers you need are not here, please give us a call.

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  • Are there ways to avoid injuring my feet and ankles while playing sports?

    Our Dedicated Podiatrists Advise Patients on How to Help Avoid Sports Injuries to Feet and Ankles

    Most athletes know that their feet and ankles work hard for them, supporting their body weight and providing mobility and stability. For anyone who participates in sports but for athletes in particular, these body parts are often overworked, stressed, and at a high risk of injury. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons reports that approximately 25% of athletic injuries are to the foot and/or ankle, and any sport that requires an athlete to kick, run, jump, and make quick direction changes can cause a foot or ankle-related injury. Common sports foot and ankle injuries

    If you suffer a sports injury to your feet or ankle, it’s important to see a podiatrist to help ensure the proper diagnosis and treatment. Here, the skilled podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists discuss common foot and ankle injuries, ways to help prevent them, and why you need to see a foot and ankle doctor when you’re injured.  

    Types of Sports Injuries Our Austin Podiatrists Treat

    Understanding how injuries occur can make it easier to avoid getting hurt. When a person is playing sports, there are two ways they usually injure their ankles and feet:

    Overuse Injuries

    An overuse injury, also called a repetitive stress injury, happens when you place too much stress  on a particular body part. Often, if an athlete engages in a sport or training that involves repetitive motion, high impact workouts, or actions that require abrupt changes in direction, they are more prone to ankle and foot injuries. These injuries develop over time, and if not treated properly, can cause chronic pain.  

    Traumatic Injuries

    A traumatic injury occurs suddenly, causes immediate pain and damage, and usually needs medical attention right away. It usually affects the bone, tendons, muscles, nerves, or joints in the foot or ankle. You could suffer a traumatic foot or ankle injury by colliding with another player, landing wrong after a jump, or during a race.  

    Common Overuse Foot Injuries

    Foot injuries from overuse are usually the easiest to avoid because athletes have the opportunity to make choices that prevent them.

    Plantar Fasciitis

    When the plantar fascia, the thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes, becomes inflamed, the result is often pain, swelling, and stiffness in the heel of the foot. Symptoms are often worse first thing in the morning and after long periods of inactivity. It may be particularly painful for people with this condition to walk barefoot on hard surfaces such as tile floors.  

    Achilles Tendinitis

    The tendon at the back of the ankle can become irritated by overuse, leading to pain, swelling, and stiffness along the back of the calf and the heel. It may be difficult for people with Achilles tendinitis to flex their feet upward toward their shins. Ignoring this injury can lead to tearing of the tendon, which requires surgery to repair.

    Stress Fractures

    High-impact sports that put stress on your feet and ankles and involve running and jumping can cause tiny cracks in the bones of the foot, leading to pain, swelling, and discomfort.


    Excessive pressure on the ball of your foot can cause metatarsalgia. Basketball players, soccer players, and track and field runners are at an increased risk of developing this condition which can cause pain and swelling in the foot and make it difficult to walk and stand.  

    Shin Splints

    Pain on the inner edge of the shin bone may result from overworking the bone tissue, tendons, and muscles in the legs.


    These injuries can be acute or chronic. A chronic strain usually occurs when the ankle muscles are being overused.

    Heel Spurs

    Painful, bony bumps can form when calcium deposits form on the heel bone. This is more common among athletes with flat feet or high arches, as well as those who run on hard surfaces, wear improper footwear, or have an unusual gait.

    Common Traumatic Foot Injuries

    Traumatic foot and ankle injuries happen quickly and usually involve the bone, joints, and/or soft tissue. It’s not easy to avoid them, as they occur suddenly--often due to a collision, fall, or fast-paced activity.


    When you twist, turn, or roll your ankle the wrong way, it can cause the ligaments to tear or stretch. You may notice a popping sound at the moment the injury occurs. Athletes often experience a sprain when they run into another player, lose their balance and fall, land wrong after a jump, or when another player lands on their foot. Sprains can range in severity with varying degrees of pain and swelling. Often, a sprain will heal with rest; however, sometimes, medical care is needed. Symptoms of a sprain can include ankle instability, tenderness, decreased range of motion, bruising, and difficulty walking.

    Shin Splints

    Pain on the inner edge of the shin bone may result from overworking the bone tissue, tendons, and muscles in the legs.

    Heel Spurs

    Painful, bony bumps can form when calcium deposits form on the heel bone. This is more common among athletes with flat feet or high arches, as well as those who run on hard surfaces, wear improper footwear, or who have an unusual gait.

    Turf Toe

    When an athlete jams their big toe against the end of their shoe while stopping short or pushing off a hard surface, it can injure the ligaments around the joint of the toe. Footwear and hard surfaces are often the cause of turf toe, which may cause pain, stiffness, swelling, bruising, and decreased mobility in the big toe. Bending the toe or bearing weight may result in sharp pain.

    Ways to Help Prevent Foot and Ankle Injuries During Sports

    Our podiatric team can help you prevent foot and ankle injuries so you lose less time recuperating and enjoy more time playing sports. We can help you:

    • Choose the right footwear
    • Make a plan to train properly and gradually increase your workouts
    • Develop a cross-training strategy that will help reduce the load on your feed and ankles
    • Identify stretching and strengthening exercises that will help protect your muscles, tendons, and fascia from injuries
    • Ensure you are giving your body enough time to rest and recover between workouts

    When to Call an Austin Podiatrist

    Sometimes, injuries can’t be avoided. Minor foot and ankle injuries can sometimes be managed on your own with RICE therapy and over-the-counter pain relievers. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, however, you should seek out medical care right away:

    • Persistent pain that doesn’t respond to RICE therapy
    • Changes to the structure of your foot
    • Difficulty walking

    Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists Can Get You Back in the Game Fast

    The doctors at our central Texas clinic offer a wide range of traditional and advanced interventions, to expedite your recovery and get you back on your feet:

  • What Is Neuropathic Foot Pain?

    Nerve pain in the foot

    Our Podiatrists Diagnose and Treat Foot Nerve Damage

    Neuropathic foot pain or neuropathy are other ways to describe nerve damage. When the nerves in the feet are damaged, they cannot properly send signals to your brain, which can lead to a loss of sensation and/or discomfort and pain even when there has not been an injury to the foot. At Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists, our award-winning podiatrists treat patients throughout central Texas whose daily quality of life has been impacted by this unpleasant condition. Our expert care makes it easier for them to continue participating in all of the activities that make their lives enjoyable.

    Symptoms of Neuropathic Foot Pain

    There are more than 100 different forms of neuropathy, and they can each look different from person to person. The most common symptoms include:

    • Burning or aching pain in the feet and even the legs, which may be worse at night
    • Muscle weakness
    • Numbness, which can result in a patient not noticing when they have injured themselves
    • Tingling or the pins and needles sensation people commonly experience when their limb “falls asleep” but their foot never “wakes up”
    • Cramps
    • Sensations of an electric shock
    • Decreased movement or function
    • Twitching muscles
    • Loss of muscle and bone
    • Sensitivity to light touch
    • Problems with balance and coordination leading to an increased risk of falls and injuries

    A person doesn't need to have all of the symptoms listed above to have nerve damage or for it to be appropriate for them to seek medical care.

    Causes of Neuropathic Foot Pain

    There isn’t a single cause of neuropathy. It can occur in a variety of ways:

    • Medical conditions. High blood sugar levels from uncontrolled diabetes can not only lead to nerve damage but also poor circulation, which both contribute to nerve pain. Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are autoimmune disorders that cause the immune system to attack a person's nerves. Infections including shingles, Lyme disease, fungal infections, HIV/AIDS, and can also lead to nerve damage. 
    • Injuries. Sprains, fractures, and other traumas.
    • Vitamin deficiencies. Lacking sufficient amounts of certain vitamins, particularly B vitamins, folic acid, and vitamin E.
    • Toxin exposure. Heavy metals, pesticides, and chemotherapy drugs.
    • Smoking. Smoking reduces the flow of both blood and oxygen.
    • Poorly fitted footwear. Wearing shoes that rub or squeeze the feet.
    • Alcohol abuse. Alcohol not only has a toxic effect on the nerve cells but can also lead to vitamin deficiencies and other factors that can contribute to nerve damage.
    • Heredity. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, sarcoidosis, and celiac disease are just a few examples.
    • Medications. Certain medications can increase the risk.
    • Unknown causes. In some cases of peripheral neuropathy, there is no known cause.

    Preventing Neuropathic Foot Pain

    The best case scenario for neuropathy management is to avoid it entirely since nerve damage can often only be treated and managed, not cured. While it is not always possible to prevent neuropathy, the most common cause of neuropathy is diabetes, and managing blood sugar effectively is the best way to prevent it from causing nerve damage. Restricting alcohol and nicotine intake can also reduce a person’s chances of developing nerve damage.

    Potential Risks From Ignoring Nerve Pain

    Nerve pain will not go away on its own, and trying to ignore it could lead to long-term complications as the damage grows worse. While you may start with irritating but minor nerve pain, if you do not treat the underlying conditions that may be causing it, you could experience:

    • Chronic pain
    • Difficulty standing or walking
    • Depression
    • Inability to recognize when you have experienced a foot injury, leading to a higher risk of infection and serious adverse outcomes, including amputation and sepsis
    • Need for surgery that could have been avoided with more prompt conservative interventions
    • Irreversible nerve damage

    Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists Can Help with Your Neuropathic Foot Pain

    If you’re experiencing foot nerve pain, it is a good idea to see a podiatrist right away. Our central Texas foot care experts at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists can help you get back on track by: 

    • Performing a thorough physical examination
    • Asking detailed questions about how your symptoms began 
    • Testing how well your nerves and brain talk to each other using a nerve conduction test 
    • Ordering blood work and imaging tests to check for conditions that could be causing your discomfort 
    • Referring you to other specialists to provide treatment for underlying conditions like kidney problems, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.

    Strategies for Managing Neuropathic Foot Pain

    Once we have definitively confirmed your diagnosis and what is causing your nerve pain, our team can work with you to create a custom treatment plan to address your specific needs, using a combination of traditional interventions and the most state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. Your plan might include a combination of the following:

    • Managing underlying health conditions
    • Lifestyle changes
      • Healthy diet
      • Regular exercise
      • Weight management
      • Avoiding nicotine and alcohol
    • Physical therapy
    • Rest
    • Ice
    • More comfortable footwear that fits properly and provides plenty of cushion
    • Orthotics
    • Massage
    • Daily foot checks to quickly identify injuries
    • Routine podiatrist visits
    • Over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers or muscle relaxants
    • Topical creams or ointments
    • Corticosteroid injections
    • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) or nerve blocks
    • Neurogenx
    • Supplements
    • MLS laser therapy
    • Radio frequency ablation
    • Surgery

    Surgery to Relieve Nerve Pain

    Whenever possible, our doctors will try to help you address your foot care needs without surgery to avoid the complications that can come with it. Should surgery be necessary to address your nerve pain, you are in good hands. Our clinic offers several surgical options. Dr. Thomajan is one of only a few surgeons in the country trained in performing advanced nerve decompression surgical techniques and a fellow of the Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeons. We will also ensure you are well-prepared with the information you need before and after surgery.

  • Is Plantar Fasciitis Causing My Foot Pain?

    Our Experienced Doctors Provide Rapid Diagnosis for Plantar Fasciitis

    Fascia are strong fibrous tissues in your feet, somewhat like thick rubber bands. They connect the bones of your feet together. The plantar fascia runs from your toes to your heel. It supports the arch of your foot and absorbs the force of walking, running, and jumping. Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury that leads to stretching and tearing of the fascia, which becomes painful and inflamed. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain, impacting one in ten people at some point in their lives. We treat patients with this condition often at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists in central Texas. 

    Signs of Plantar FasciitisHeel Pain

    You may be experiencing plantar fasciitis if you notice some or all of the following issues:

    • Constant dull, aching pain
    • A burning sensation in the bottom of the foot
    • Initial onset after changes in physical activity or running a long distance
    • Pain typically becomes sharp and stabbing: 
      • First thing in the morning or after extended periods of sitting or standing still, sometimes called post-static dyskinesia
      • Following exercise or other intense activity
      • When climbing stairs
    • The pain usually improves with activity
    • Going barefoot or wearing shoes that do not offer arch support often leads to increased pain
    • Pain is only present in one foot
    • The heel of your foot is red or swollen
    • The issues persist for months without resolving
    • Your calf muscles or Achilles tendon seem tight
    • Stiffness in the foot
    • Difficulty walking

    Risk Factors for Plantar Fasciitis

    Some people are more likely to experience plantar fasciitis than others because their plantar fascia is under added stress. Some things that can increase the risk of injuring the plantar fascia include:

    • Wearing high heels or other shoes that do not support your feet well
    • Obesity or rapid weight gain (more than 15 pounds in a few months)
    • Being between 40-60 years of age
    • Suddenly increasing physical activity
    • Having a job that requires a lot of time on your feet
    • Spending a lot of time working or exercising on a hard surface
    • Failing to warm up before exercise
    • Flat feet or feet with high arches
    • Injury or weakness in the ankle

    Conditions With Similar Symptoms to Plantar Fasciitis

    If you notice you are experiencing the signs listed above, this does not mean you definitely have plantar fasciitis. Other conditions can have similar symptoms and these conditions may grow worse or even require surgery you would not otherwise have needed if you don’t see a doctor quickly for an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. For this reason, it is still a good idea to see a podiatrist, even if you think it’s likely that you have plantar fasciitis.

    Some of the other issues that can easily be mistaken for plantar fasciitis are:

    • Tendinitis
    • Bursitis
    • Arthritis
    • Heel spurs
    • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
    • Stress fractures

    Diagnosing Plantar Fasciitis

    At Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists, we know how important it is to have the correct diagnosis quickly so that you can begin treatment and find relief. That’s why we take the time to assess our patients thoroughly. This includes a physical examination, where we may apply pressure to your plantar fascia to determine if it is the cause of your pain. Imaging tests are not typically required to diagnose plantar fasciitis but could be used to rule out other conditions that may present in similar ways.

    Treatment Options for Plantar Fasciitis

    If you have plantar fasciitis, the good news is that conservative, non-surgical treatment options will likely resolve your symptoms over time. These may include:

    • Rest
    • Activity modification
    • Physical therapy
    • Custom orthotics
    • Night splints
    • Anti-inflammatory pain relievers
    • Perinatal tissue injections
    • MLS laser therapy
    • Lifestyle changes

    Surgery is usually only necessary if the patient is in serious, chronic pain, if there are structural issues with the foot, or if there is tissue damage. In some cases, athletes may choose to have surgery to speed up their recovery. At Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists, our central Texas podiatrists will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that makes sense for your foot and ankle issues and your life. 

  • What Should I Do for a Sprained Ankle?

    Our Top-Rated TX Podiatrist Explains Sprained Ankle Treatment and Recovery

    Sprained ankles are the result of damage to soft connective tissues called ligaments that help hold the ankle bones together. These injuries generally occur because ligaments have been extended beyond their intended range. Ligaments are like rubber bands, which can stretch and return to their normal position repeatedly but can also be stretched too far and lose their elasticity or tear.  Symptoms of a painful ankle sprain

    Even minor ankle sprains should be seen and treated by a foot and ankle doctor. The skilled podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists treat many patients for ankle sprains each year. Here, they explain treatment for sprains and the consequences of not seeking podiatric help for this condition.

    Symptoms of Sprained Ankles

    Generally, ankle sprains occur when you twist, turn, or roll your ankle outside its normal range of motion. This can happen when you’re playing sports that require jumping, running, or sudden changes in direction like basketball or tennis. An ankle sprain can also happen when you’re running or walking on an uneven surface, such as a hiking trail or a path covered in gravel.  

    Sometimes, the symptoms of an ankle sprain are similar to a broken ankle bone, so it’s important to see a podiatrist right away to make sure you’re treating the right condition. Common symptoms of an ankle sprain include the following:  

    • Popping sound or sensation at the time of the injury
    • Immediate pain, especially when attempting to bear weight
    • Bruising/discoloration due to the tearing of small blood vessels
    • Swelling, which usually occurs within hours of the injury due to fluid that gathers around the ankle joint
    • Difficulty walking
    • Instability
    • Tenderness to the touch, most often on the outside of the ankle
    • Ankle stiffness
    • Decreased range of motion 
    • Inability to bear any weight on your foot
    • Numbness

    Ankle Sprain Severity

    Ankle sprains can range in severity from minor to severe. When you see a podiatrist at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists, they will likely grade your ankle based on the level of damage. Here are the three grades most commonly given to sprained ankles: 

    • Grade I. This is the most common and least severe type of sprain. Usually, the ligaments are not torn, and the ankle is only sore and slightly swollen.
    • Grade II. With a grade II ankle sprain, there is usually a partial tear, and there is often swelling and pain that makes it difficult to bear weight on your ankle. You may see bruising also.
    • Grade III. A grade III ankle sprain means there is a full ligament tear. You may feel unstable when trying to walk, and you may not be able to bear weight on your ankle at all. With a grade III sprain, you may hear a popping sound when the injury occurs.

    Treating Sprained Ankles

    A sprained ankle may seem like a minor type of injury that doesn’t need immediate attention; however, it should be taken seriously. It’s important to see a podiatrist right away, even if you can limp your way through the pain. Patients who suffer an ankle sprain don’t always realize that this type of injury can permanently damage the ankle, cause repeat injuries, and even require surgery. So, it’s critical to see a foot doctor to ensure that you’re correctly diagnosed and your injury is indeed a sprain and not a break. Your medical professional will likely recommend you take the following steps:  


    Stay off of your foot as much as possible to allow the sprain to heal. It may be helpful to use crutches when you need to walk.


    Apply an ice pack in 20-30 minute intervals three times per day to help with pain and swelling. Never apply ice to bare skin, as it can damage the skin tissue. Instead, cover the ice pack with a towel.


    Wrap the foot in an elastic compression bandage to decrease swelling and help with ankle stability. A brace or splint may also be helpful to keep the ankle in place.


    When you’re seated or lying down, keep your foot at a level higher than your heart to help reduce swelling.


    Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help with pain and swelling.

    During the first 24 hours following a possible sprain, it is important to avoid anything that can increase swelling, including the following:

    • Hot showers
    • Heating pads
    • Saunas
    • Alcohol
    • Massage

    Sprained Ankle Recovery

    With proper treatment, minor to moderate sprained ankles heal within a few weeks. More severe sprains might take several months. The recovery process can be broken into three phases:

    Phase 1. The ankle needs to rest and be protected for the first 24-48 hours after the injury to reduce swelling.

    Phase 2. Restoring ankle flexibility, range of motion, and strength are the goals of this phase. Your doctor can recommend the timing for this phase and the correct exercises to help in your recovery.

    Phase 3. During this phase, most patients return to their activities with a maintenance plan in place. Your doctor will tell you when to start this phase and how to best approach it so you don’t reinjure your ankle.

    Consequences of Untreated Ankle Sprains

    Many people think that if they can walk on their foot, the injury isn’t a break and not a big deal. This isn’t necessarily true. Even a minor sprain can have lasting consequences if it is not treated properly. If you have a sprain and it does not heal correctly, it can lead to:

    • Arthritis in your ankle
    • Chronic pain
    • On-going ankle instability, which could require surgery

    Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists Can Help With Sprained Ankle Recovery and Prevention

    Our doctors are skilled in treating many foot and ankle conditions, including ankle sprains. We can provide an accurate diagnosis through a physical exam and imaging tests and provide proper treatment. We can also help ensure your sprained ankle heals properly to reduce your risk of future injuries.

    Preventative Care

    Our doctors can help you to avoid future sprains by discussing your injury, how it happened, and what to do to help ensure it doesn’t happen again. We might talk to you about the following:

    • Choosing the right footwear that promotes proper balance and foot positioning
    • Knowing what stretches and exercises to do before your workouts to improve stability and mobility
    • Understanding how a brace or other ankle support can help prevent future ankle problems
    • Looking for signs and symptoms that may signal a re-injury and the need for a follow-up appointment

    Custom Treatment Plans

    Every patient has a different medical history, and it’s important for our podiatrists to understand yours. Even if you have the same grade level sprain as someone else, your level of daily activity may not allow you to successfully perform the same exercises and stretches to help with your recovery. Our podiatrists get to know you, your activity level, and your lifestyle to help ensure that our recommendations will promote the life you want to lead. Regaining strength and mobility in your ankle may require physical therapy. It is critical that patients complete the full rehabilitation program explained by their podiatrist to reduce their risk of reinjuring the same ankle in the future.

  • Is Gout Causing My Foot Pain?

    Our Top-Rated TX Podiatrists Explain Why Gout Causes Foot Pain and Why This Condition Develops

    If you have severe attacks of joint pain and swelling that seem to come on suddenly, especially in your big toe, your podiatrist may diagnose your foot pain as gout. This condition can develop in any joint, including the wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles, but it usually affects the big toe. If you’ve been diagnosed with gout, you may wonder about the type of treatment you’ll need to ease the symptoms and how to manage this condition. Why gout can cause foot pain

    If you’ve recently been diagnosed with gout, the dedicated podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists want you to know that you don’t have to suffer. With early diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle changes, gout can be easily controlled.

    Understanding Gout

    Gout is a type of arthritis that can cause tenderness, swelling, redness, and severe pain in your joints. This condition is caused by too much uric acid that builds up in your body and is deposited in your joints. This build up creates needle-shaped crystals that form in and around a joint, leading to painful inflammation and arthritis. Areas of the body that can be impacted by gout include the joints, bursae, membranes surrounding tendons, and kidneys. Anyone of any age can suffer from gout, including children.

    Symptoms of Gout

    When you suffer a sudden attack of gout, you may wake in the middle of the night feeling as if your big toe has caught fire. Whatever joint is affected will feel swollen, hot, and hurt so much that you want nothing to touch it. The signs and symptoms of gout may include the following:

    • Severe joint pain. You will feel intense pain in whatever joint is affected by the gout attack. This pain will usually last for approximately four to 12 hours after the flare-up or attack starts. Typically, you’ll feel it in your big toe; however, you can experience gout in other joints, including your fingers. Some patients say that the pain starts with a tingling sensation and some swelling but eventually can barely be tolerated.
    • Redness and inflammation. Often, an attack of gout will leave your joint red, swollen, and warm to the touch.
    • Changes to your range of motion. As the attack of gout progresses, you may find you have limited range of motion and can’t move your joints as you normally do.
    • Lingering pain. You may have some joint discomfort that lasts after the initial attack. This could go on for a few days to a few weeks. If you suffer other severe attacks of gout later, they may be longer and affect more joints.

    Other symptoms may include:

    • Inability to put weight on your big toe
    • Burning and tingling pain that can prevent you from walking or moving your knees as you usually do
    • Pain that radiates down your arm and restricts elbow movement

    What Causes Gout

    There are many factors that can cause a person to develop gout and suffer from gout flares. Some food and drinks can increase the uric acid levels in your system and produce a flare. These include the following:

    • Meat. Red meat, organ meat, game meat, and turkey are all foods high in purines. When your body breaks down these foods, your level of uric acid increases.
    • Seafood. There is some seafood you should avoid, including scallops, anchovies, sardines, trout, tuna, and mussels.
    • Drinks. Fruit juices and sodas that are flavored with fruit sugars, such as high-fructose corn syrup, can trigger a flare. Additionally, you should limit your intake of alcohol, especially beer. When you drink beer, your kidneys can’t flush out uric acid.   

    There are other factors that can cause gout flares, including the following:

    • Medications. Certain high blood pressure diuretics, aspirin, and drugs for patients who’ve received an organ transplant can trigger a gout flare.
    • Body fat. If you have a lot of belly fat, even if you’re not overweight, it may cause you to develop gout. Belly fat increases production of the inflammatory chemicals that trigger gout.

    Other Risk Factors for Gout

    Gout is the most common type of inflammatory arthritis, and anyone can experience it, but certain groups of people are more likely to develop it than others:

    • Men are three times more likely than women to develop gout. Women who do experience gout typically do so after menopause.
    • Older people are more likely than younger people to have gout. In younger people, it is generally less severe than for older people.
    • A family history of gout increases the risk of developing it.
    • Psoriasis.
    • Some cancers.
    • Illnesses, including high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, and congestive heart failure. 

    How Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists Can Help You Manage Your Gout

    There isn’t a cure for gout, but it can be treated by managing symptoms to reduce flares. At Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists in Central Texas, our award-winning podiatrists recommend a combination of treatment options, including the following:

    • Lifestyle changes. Reducing the intake of alcohol and triggering foods may prevent symptoms. Drinking more water can improve kidney function. Applying ice to impacted joints can relieve pain and swelling.
    • Medications. Your doctor may prescribe certain medications that can lower uric acid levels and treat pain and inflammation. Patients should be sure to tell their doctors if they have stomach ulcers or kidney problems, which may limit which medications they can take for gout.

  • What are the characteristics of a good podiatrist?

    Our Dedicated Foot and Ankle Doctors Discuss Choosing the Right Texas Podiatrist for Your Specific Needs

    Podiatry, also called podiatric medicine and surgery, is a branch of medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle disorders, injuries, deformities, and diseases. Because there are over 300 foot conditions that any one person can develop in their lifetime, choosing a podiatrist is especially important to help keep you moving on healthy feet. Choosing the right podiatrist for your specific needs

    When you have a problem with your feet or ankles, you want to find the right podiatrist for your specific needs, as well as someone you relate to. The skilled and knowledgeable podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists understand that you may be meeting a podiatrist for the first time, feel nervous, and/or are in a lot of pain and need immediate help. You may not yet know if we will be the right fit for you. Here, we discuss the characteristics to look for in a podiatrist so you receive the best possible diagnosis and treatment. 

    Has Experience

    The first quality you should look for in a podiatrist is experience. Your doctor should have extensive knowledge of foot and ankle anatomy, diseases, deformities, and conditions and be able to treat them. The more experience your podiatrist has, the more likely they are to have seen and treated your condition before.

    The podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists welcome your questions about our background, credentials, and certifications because we know you want someone who is a qualified doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM) and has the experience necessary to accurately diagnose your condition and get your feet and ankles moving in the right direction.

    Has Positive Communication Skills

    Any good podiatrist should provide you with a clear diagnosis of your foot or ankle condition and an explanation of your treatment options. You shouldn’t be left wondering why you’re in pain or if your doctor knows how to help you. When any medical professional is communicating with you, their approach should be respectful and collaborative. They should value the information you can share with them and work with you to create an individualized plan of care that will work for you. They should make time during appointments to answer your questions and also provide you with resources that you can reference later, such as:

    Follows up With Patients

    Your doctor should be scheduling regular follow-up appointments, especially if you have an on-going condition. They should also encourage you to come back if an issue that seems to be resolved recurs in the future. Regardless of your specific issues, a good podiatrist will regularly follow up with their patients to check on their progress. It’s also important that they listen to any concerns you have and spend time discussing adjustments to your treatment if needed.

    Shows Humility

    A good doctor recognizes that their patients can feel confused and uncertain about a diagnosis and sometimes want a second opinion. At Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists, we can provide you with a second opinion after you have seen a different doctor. If you would like to talk to another doctor to confirm the diagnoses and advice we have given you, we encourage you to do so.

    Puts You at Ease With a Positive Bedside Manner

    Talking about health issues can be scary and sometimes embarrassing. Your podiatrist should put you at ease so you aren’t afraid to talk about your specific foot or ankle condition and ask as many questions as necessary. We have numerous people available on staff, including Dr. Chica, who speak Spanish and are ready to assist patients who are more comfortable conversing in Spanish.

    Makes Scheduling an Appointment Convenient

    Your doctor should make it easy for you to get an appointment, offering online scheduling and telemedicine whenever appropriate. At Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists, we offer these options and do whatever else we can to make your experience easier.

    Instills Confidence

    When you talk to your doctor, their responses to your concerns and the information they provide should make you feel confident that they know how to help you with your health needs. This may be demonstrated by their range of knowledge, which should include traditional approaches to treating your medical issue, and their willingness to use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. Your podiatrist should demonstrate a passion for being a knowledgeable practitioner. At Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists, our doctors seek out opportunities to expand their expertise.

    Dr. Thomajan is:

    • Board certified by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery in Foot Surgery and Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery
    • Board Certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine
    • A Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
    • A Fellow of the Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeons

    These credentials mean that not only does Dr. Thomajan meet the state criteria of being licensed to practice, but he has also undergone rigorous testing and peer evaluation and is considered especially knowledgeable.

    Dr. Chica has extensive experience in sports medicine, previously worked in a pediatric trauma center managing pediatric foot needs, and has completed comprehensive and advanced training for reconstructive surgery and trauma of the foot and ankle with nationally renowned foot and ankle specialists.

    Has a Positive Reputation

    When you ask other people in the community about providers, you want to select one who has been recognized for providing excellent care to their patients. Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists is the recipient of numerous awards, including the following:

    • Austin Business Hall of Fame, after earning Best Overall Foot and Ankle Surgeons for ten consecutive years.
    • Small Business Excellence Award
    • Austin Monthly’s Top Doctors in 2022, 2023, and 2024
    • Dr. Thomajan was selected as the best podiatrist in the Senior Resource Guide’s annual Reader’s Choice Awards. Additionally, we were featured in the Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery, Austin Monthly, and Foot & Ankle Specialist publications.

    We are also highly rated by our customers on Yelp.

  • Can custom orthotics make plantar fasciitis less painful?

    Our Skilled TX Podiatrist Explains How Orthotics Can Help Reduce Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms

    If you’re one of the 10 percent of Americans diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, you’re likely experiencing a great deal of foot pain. This foot condition can cause intense discomfort and may become debilitating without the proper treatment. Custom orthotics for help with plantar fasciitis

    The good news is that there are several interventions that the podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists can suggest to alleviate your discomfort. One of these options is custom orthotics.

    What to Know About Custom Orthotics

    Orthotics are inserts that are worn inside your shoe to help treat foot and ankle issues. You may have seen mass-produced options for sale at your pharmacy or at places that sell shoes. Store-bought orthotics can provide increased cushioning, and some people find that they experience some relief from using them. However, because these orthotics are a “one size fits all” model, it’s unlikely they can address all of your unique needs. Custom orthotics are personalized to each individual, so they give you the support you need for your specific foot and/or ankle condition.

    Custom orthotics are available in hard (rigid) or soft varieties, and your podiatrist can explain which option is best for you, especially if you suffer from plantar fasciitis.

    How Orthotics Can Help When You Have Plantar Fasciitis

    Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the tissue band, the plantar fascia, connecting the heel bone to the toes. Patients who suffer from plantar fasciitis usually experience severe, stabbing pain in the foot near the heel, especially in the morning.

    There are many factors that can cause this foot condition, including jobs that require standing for long periods of time, especially on hard surfaces, weight gain, and ill-fitting shoes or those that have no arch support. Plantar fasciitis can also be caused by tightness in the muscles and joints of the leg.

    There are a variety of treatments to help manage the pain of plantar fasciitis, including the use of custom orthotics. These custom-made medical devices are inserted into your shoe and are designed to help correct any problems you have with the biomechanics of your feet and work to support fallen arches and/or control over-pronation. Orthotics help provide the added support you need, so there is reduced irritation on your joints, ligaments, and tendons that often brings about pain and discomfort in your heels and arches.

    The Importance of Arch Support

    Having proper arch support is critical when treating plantar fasciitis. Using a custom orthotic helps reduce the tension on the plantar fascia, and this encourages the damaged and inflamed tissue to heal at a faster rate. Because arch support is so critical to helping heal plantar fasciitis, it’s important that you not walk barefoot if you have this condition. This increases the strain on your foot and increases the likelihood of further injury to your foot and fascia. Without a shoe, your foot won’t get the needed shock absorption, and it can delay the healing process.

    Benefits of Custom Orthotics Vs. Store-Bought Products for Treating Plantar Fasciitis

    If you’ve been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, you may wonder if you should invest in custom orthotics or simply buy an over-the-counter product at your local pharmacy. Our skilled podiatrists maintain that custom orthotics are the best choice for the following reasons:

    • Custom orthotics are specifically designed for your feet. That means there is no other orthotic out there like it. Our podiatrists ensure your orthotics are made to the individual shape of your foot and address your specific medical condition. Over-the-counter product are generic in nature and are not made to meet your specific needs. While a store-bought product may provide some temporary relief, it can’t match the quality of a custom orthotic to help relieve pressure on your plantar fascia.
    • Custom orthotics are long-lasting. They may be a bit more expensive than a store-bought product, but they’ll likely last longer. At Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists, we use high-quality technology to ensure that we provide materials that are long-lasting and fit you properly. This is especially important if you suffer from plantar fasciitis and may need a lengthy recovery period.

    How a Texas Podiatrist Can Help Treat Your Plantar Fasciitis

    If you have plantar fasciitis, our foot and ankle care doctors can help you treat this condition in many ways, including through the use of custom orthotics:

    • They will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your feet and your gait
    • They will provide an accurate diagnosis
    • They will advise you about the pros and cons of various treatment options
    • They will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan
    • They will provide a professional fitting if you do need custom orthotics
    • They will monitor your progress and offer adjustments and ongoing care with your orthotics

  • What are the symptoms of PAD, and how does a podiatrist treat it?

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over six million people in the U.S., age 40 and older, suffer from peripheral artery disease (PAD), also sometimes called peripheral vascular disease (PVD). This condition develops when the arteries narrow, often due to fatty plaque and calcium buildup. This leads to decreased circulation from the heart to other parts of the body. Symptoms and treatments for PAD

    The skilled podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists have treated many patients suffering from PAD. Often considered a “silent threat,” PAD can affect people without their knowing about it because there isn’t always pain or obvious symptoms. Because our podiatrists understand what to look for and how to diagnose this condition, it’s especially important to schedule an appointment if you are at an increased risk of this disease.

    Risk Factors of PAD

    There are certain medical conditions and many factors that increase your risk of developing PAD. These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a history of smoking. Other factors include the following:

    • You have a family history of PAD
    • You have diabetes
    • You’re overweight
    • You don’t eat a healthy diet
    • You have chronic kidney disease
    • You smoke or have a history of smoking
    • You have a personal history of heart disease, heart attack, or stroke
    • You don’t exercise regularly of exercise
    • You’re over the age of 50 with any of the listed medical conditions or risk factors
    • You’re over the age of 65 regardless of medical history

    Symptoms of PAD

    PAD is a potentially painful condition that can impact the extremities, especially the legs. The patients we treat at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists for PAD often notice the following symptoms:

    • Burning or aching pain in your toes and feet while at rest
    • Sores on your toes and feet that don’t heal
    • Cold feet and/or toes
    • Prickling, numbness, and/or weakness in the foot or leg
    • Muscle pain and cramping
    • Hair loss or thinning on the affected limb
    • Feet and/or legs that appear pale or blue

    The muscle cramping a person with PAD sometimes feels while lying down or exercising is their body’s way of signaling that blood flow is insufficient and they’re not getting enough blood, oxygen, or nutrients in their limbs. They may not feel this pain when upright and stationary because less blood flow is needed then.

    Up to half of people with PAD have no symptoms or mistake their symptoms for other conditions. Many people dismiss PAD pain as a sign of aging, arthritis, or sciatica. People with diabetes often attribute their PAD symptoms to neuropathy. Thus, it’s important to see a podiatrist right away if you start to see any type of change in your legs and feet.

    Other Potential Conditions Related to PAD

    Blood circulation is critical for supplying the organs in the body with the needed nutrients and oxygen to function properly. If a person’s blood flow is limited, it increases their risk for other medical problems, including the following:

    • Gangrene
    • Coronary artery disease/heart disease
    • Heart attack
    • Stroke
    • Amputations

    How an Austin Podiatrist Can Help

    Many people who are familiar with PAD assume that only cardiologists and vascular specialists are involved in treating it. Because of the impact PAD can have on feet, podiatrists are also able to provide care for this condition. To diagnose and treat PAD, the foot doctors in our central Texas office will:

    • Obtain a personal and family medical history
    • Complete a physical examination
    • Complete painless PADnet diagnostic testing
    • Coordinate with other members of your medical team
    • Order further testing
    • Identify additional specialists who could be of assistance

    Our award-winning podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists can also treat other foot and ankle issues that have developed as a result of PAD and recommend other ways to help you reduce your risk of developing other medical conditions that can result from decreased blood flow:

    • Smoking cessation
    • Heart-healthy diet
    • Routine exercise
    • Diabetic footgear
    • Medication

    Surgery for PAD

    In the most severe cases, surgery may be required for PAD; however, we generally prefer to use less invasive treatments, which typically carry a lower risk of complications and are generally more convenient for our patients.

  • Should I consider MLS laser therapy for my foot or ankle condition?

    Our Skilled Podiatrists Discuss Foot and Ankle Conditions Treated by Laser Therapy

    Multiwave locked system (MLS) laser therapy is a highly effective medical intervention that uses cutting-edge technology. We are proud to offer this innovative therapy option in our practice to treat a number of acute and chronic foot and ankle conditions. For many people, MLS laser therapy prevents the need for more invasive treatments such as surgery, which we always consider to be a last resort. If you have a condition that laser therapy can address, you should definitely discuss the pros and cons of this treatment option with one of our award-winning podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists. Some of the medical issues that can benefit from laser therapy include: Foot conditions that MLS can treat

    Benefits of Laser Therapy

    There are many things that make laser therapy a preferred option for patients at our podiatry office. These include:


    Patients undergoing laser therapy don’t need anesthesia or pain medication to handle the process. Additionally, their bodies aren’t exposed to infection risks or other complications like they can be with surgery.


    Some people associate lasers with cutting or burning. Lasers can do those things at other frequencies and concentrations, but the lasers we use for laser therapy are not set up in this way. Laser therapy patients feel little to no sensation from the treatment, and most experience very little pain. Patients who do report feeling any sensation say it is a gentle warming sensation, which some even describe as relaxing.


    One thing our patients love about laser therapy is how quickly they can complete a session and then move on with the rest of their busy day. A typical session is less than half an hour long, and many are only 10-15 minutes. The size of the area to be treated determines just how much time is needed for a session. We outline a customized treatment plan with each patient on a case-by-case basis to explain what you can expect.


    The sessions are completed right in our office, so there is no need to visit a hospital to receive treatment. There is also no recovery time needed after a session.


    Around 85-90 percent of patients who have a condition that can be treated with laser therapy report that it is effective for them. This means their pain and swelling are either significantly reduced or eliminated by the time they complete their full course of treatment.

    Safe for Children and Adults

    Unlike many treatment options that can only be used on patients of specific ages, laser therapy can be safely used without regard to age. This is great news for our pediatric patients.

    Long-Lasting Relief

    Laser therapy does not just temporarily relieve or mask symptoms as many medications do, but it also helps the foot to heal from the underlying causes of pain and swelling. This means the problem does not typically come back once therapy is complete unless the person is injured again or is being treated for a degenerative condition such as arthritis.

    How MLS Laser Therapy Works

    When our central Texas podiatrists provide MLS, they use highly concentrated light of adjustable wavelengths to penetrate the skin and stimulate the cells inside the damaged area of the foot. This helps the body to heal itself without the use of pharmaceuticals or suffering potentially dangerous side effects and drug interactions they can sometimes create. MLS laser therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that is especially effective for soft tissue, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Specifically, laser therapy can help in the following ways:

    • Accelerate cell growth
    • Improve blood circulation
    • Help wounds to close more quickly
    • Reduce scar tissue
    • Decrease risk of infection
    • Lessen inflammation and pain
    • Improve immune system functioning
    • Lead to increased mobility
    • Reduce overall recovery time

    Number of Laser Therapy Sessions Needed

    Patients with an acute condition typically see long-lasting results in as little as one to three sessions. For chronic conditions, six or more sessions may be needed before there is considerable improvement, and the patient may need more sessions for maximum results. These treatments generally take place over the course of several months. For certain chronic conditions, such as arthritis, regular maintenance sessions may be recommended.

    Combining Treatment Options

    One of the benefits of laser therapy is that it can be used in combination with a variety of other treatment options to enhance your overall results without creating unpleasant interactions between the therapies. Other treatment options we might recommend for our patients include:

    • Physical therapy
    • Massage
    • Pain relieving medications
    • Topical creams or ointments
    • Injections
    • Orthotics
    • Lifestyle changes

    Does Insurance Cover Laser Therapy?

    Although MLS laser therapy has been cleared by the FDA as a safe and effective treatment,  many insurance policies still do not cover it. In spite of this, many people do find that it is still an affordable option for them, even if they are paying out of pocket. For that reason, we would encourage you to have a conversation with your podiatrist, even if you know or suspect that your insurance provider won’t cover laser therapy.

    Laser Therapy Is Not for Everyone

    As with any other medical treatment, laser therapy is a great fit for many people, but there may be reasons why it isn’t the best option for your specific situation. When you meet with one of our podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists, we will be happy to explain the full range of services we can offer for your condition, review the pros and cons of each option, and develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs.

  • Do diabetic patients really need custom orthotics?

    Patients with diabetes often suffer with a condition called neuropathy. This is nerve damage leading to numbness, pain, tingling, and decreased blood flow in the feet. Neuropathy can make it difficult for diabetic foot injuries to heal quickly and properly. This condition also makes it more likely that any issues a diabetic patient develops with their feet could go undetected and become worse unless they are performing regular foot checks. Diabetic foot injuries can easily turn from minor to dangerous. Custom orthotics for diabetic patients

    Orthotics can help prevent and treat numerous diabetic foot problems by reducing pressure, friction, and moisture. Orthotics can also be used in combination with other treatments for enhanced results. For these reasons, the podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists strongly recommend that anyone with diabetes consider wearing orthotics every day.

    Orthotics Can Help Prevent and Treat Diabetic Foot Conditions

    There are many foot conditions that orthotics can help address, including some that are more common in people with diabetes:

    • Ingrown toenails
    • Cuts
    • Bruises
    • Blisters
    • Foot ulcers
    • Corns
    • Calluses
    • Fungal infections
    • Bunions
    • Sepsis
    • Amputation

    Custom Versus Over-the-Counter Orthotics

    There is no denying that over-the-counter orthotics are conveniently available in many stores and are less expensive than the custom-made option. However, you often get what you pay for, and these mass-produced options are not always a bargain.


    If you wear the same size shoe as another person, that does not mean you have the same medical condition or that your feet have the exact same structure or shape. When a company is manufacturing a product intended for a large number of people, there is a limit to how much variety it can offer and how many problems it can address. This means you may not get the level of relief you need from a product that was not designed with you in mind. A custom-produced orthotic is molded to your unique foot and tailored to your precise needs, which may include:

    • Correcting your posture
    • Evenly distributing your weight
    • Adding cushion to protect your feet
    • Reducing pressure
    • Alleviating pain
    • Addressing gait issues
    • Improving stability in the feet and ankles
    • Reducing the risk of injury
    • Treating structural issues like supination

    Custom orthotics can also be adjusted periodically by your podiatrist to ensure that if your body and feet have changed, you still have a tool that works perfectly for your needs.


    Mass-produced orthotics tend to fall apart fairly quickly. They are designed to be thrown away and replaced, which is not great for the environment. Custom orthotics are created from materials that are both flexible and durable. They are more likely to last a long time, and if they are damaged, they can generally be repaired with a quick visit to the podiatrist.

    Long-Term Cost

    Because custom orthotics may be covered by insurance, typically last so much longer than over-the-counter options (a year to five years typically), and are more likely to help prevent costly diabetic foot issues, they could end up being the less expensive option by a significant margin.

    How a Texas Podiatrist Can Help

    If you’re not sure if you need orthotics or which type you need, a podiatrist can examine your feet, provide an accurate diagnosis, answer your questions, and help you make informed decisions. If you are in the Austin, Texas area, the award-winning doctors at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists can help you build a plan for keeping your feet and the rest of your body healthy. They are knowledgeable about diabetic foot care and can assist you in finding the treatments that will meet your needs in the least invasive manner possible. They can also help ensure that your orthotics are holding up, comfortable, and preventing problems as intended. They can even teach you how to tell when it is time for new ones.

  • How can you prevent overuse foot injuries?

    Your feet bear the weight of your entire body and keep you steady and moving through your daily activities. This constant demand can put stress on different parts of the body and lead to overuse injuries that can limit your range of motion and affect your ability to move comfortably. While not every foot injury can be prevented, our Austin sports injury podiatrist can recommend tips to follow that can reduce your risk of having one. Tips for preventing overuse injuries

    Types of Overuse Foot Injuries

    Overuse injuries occur when repetitive stress on the feet exceeds the body's ability to repair and recover. Here are some common types of overuse foot injuries:

    • Plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to your toes. It often causes heel pain and stiffness, especially when taking your first steps in the morning or after prolonged periods of rest.
    • Achilles tendinitis. The Achilles tendon is located at the back of the ankle and can become inflamed due to overuse. Achilles tendinitis typically causes pain and stiffness along the back of your leg near the heel.
    • Stress fractures. Repetitive impact on the feet, common in activities such as running, can lead to stress fractures. These tiny cracks in the bone can cause pain, swelling, and discomfort.
    • Metatarsalgia. Metatarsalgia causes pain and inflammation in the ball of your foot. It is often caused by excessive pressure or overuse and can make walking and standing uncomfortable.

    Overuse Prevention Tips

    Taking proactive measures to prevent overuse injuries is essential for maintaining foot health. You may want to consider the following helpful tips:

    • Choose the right footwear. Invest in shoes that provide proper arch support, cushioning, and stability. Avoid wearing worn-out shoes, as they may not offer adequate support. Choose shoes that are designed for the activity you plan to participate in.
    • Progress exercises gradually. Whether you're starting a new exercise routine or increasing intensity, progress gradually. Sudden spikes in activity levels can contribute to overuse injuries.
    • Be sure to cross-train. Mix up your exercise routine to decrease the amount of stress placed on specific muscles and joints. Incorporating different activities can help distribute the load more evenly.
    • Perform stretching and strengthening exercises. Include regular stretching and strengthening exercises in your fitness routine to reduce the risk of injury. Focus on areas such as the muscles in your feet and calves, Achilles tendon, and plantar fascia.
    • Listen to your body. Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain. If you experience persistent pain, it's crucial to modify your activities and allow time for recovery. If the pain is worsening or becomes severe, see a podiatrist as soon as possible.
    • Be sure to rest and recover. Getting adequate rest is essential for preventing overuse injuries. Allow your feet to recover between intense activities, and consider adding rest days to your workout schedule.

    When to See a Podiatrist

    Despite taking preventive measures, it is still possible to experience foot discomfort or pain from an overuse injury. Knowing when to seek professional help from our skilled Austin podiatrist, Dr. Craig Thomajan, is critical to addressing potential issues early on.

    Some reasons to seek advice for an overuse injury include the following:

    • Persistent pain. If you're experiencing persistent pain that doesn't improve with rest or over-the-counter remedies, it's time to consult a podiatrist. Ignoring chronic pain can lead to more severe issues.
    • Changes in foot structure. Any noticeable changes in the structure of your feet, such as deformities or abnormalities, should prompt a visit to a podiatrist. They can assess your condition and recommend appropriate interventions.
    • Difficulty walking. If you're having difficulty walking or participating in regular activities due to foot pain, a podiatrist can conduct a thorough examination to identify the cause of the pain and provide tailored treatment options.

    A podiatrist can conduct a comprehensive examination, including imaging tests if necessary, to accurately diagnose the specific overuse injury and its underlying causes. Based on the diagnosis, your podiatrist can design an individualized treatment plan that may include a combination of physical therapy, custom orthotics, and lifestyle modifications. Treatment for an overuse injury depends on the type of injury and your daily activities. Podiatrists can provide guidance on preventive measures to help you understand how to avoid future overuse injuries and maintain optimal foot health.

  • What causes heel pain in children?

    Heel pain in children is not uncommon but can be concerning for parents. While children are generally resilient, persistent heel pain can interfere with their daily activities and overall well-being. If your child complains about heel pain or has changes in their gait, our skilled Austin podiatrist can help diagnose the cause and recommend treatment options so your child can get back to living pain-free. Heel pain in children

    Common Causes of Heel Pain in Children

    Many children, especially those involved in sports, will complain of heel pain at least once as they’re growing up. There are a variety of factors that can cause heel pain in children, including the following:

    Sever's Disease

    One of the primary causes of heel pain in children is Sever's disease, also known as calcaneal apophysitis. This condition occurs when the growth plate in the heel becomes inflamed due to the rapid growth experienced during adolescence. Sever’s disease is particularly common in physically active children, especially those involved in sports that require running and jumping.

    Plantar Fasciitis

    Plantar fasciitis is another medical condition that causes heel pain in children. This condition involves inflammation of the band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes. While it is more commonly associated with adults, children who are involved in activities that place stress on the heel may also experience plantar fasciitis.

    Pediatric Flatfoot

    Children with flat feet, a condition where the arch of the foot is flattened, may experience heel pain. Pediatric flatfoot can alter the distribution of weight and impact the biomechanics of the foot, leading to discomfort and pain in the heel area.

    Achilles Tendinitis

    Achilles tendinitis, characterized by inflammation of the Achilles tendon, often results from sudden activity spikes, such as starting a new sport.

    Foot or Heel Fractures

    Fractures in the heel or foot may develop from acute injuries or repetitive stress, especially prevalent in children engaged in high-impact sports.

    Treating Heel Pain in Children

    If your child complains about heel pain or you notice changes in their gait, it is essential to take prompt action and see a pediatric podiatrist. A podiatrist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the root cause of the heel pain. This may include a physical examination, analysis of gait, and, if necessary, imaging studies such as X-rays.

    Once a podiatrist confirms a diagnosis, they can recommend options to help treat heel pain. Treatment options may include:

    Rest and Ice

    Encourage your child to rest and avoid activities that may worsen the pain. Applying ice to the affected heel for 15-20 minutes at a time can help reduce inflammation.

    Supportive Footwear

    Ensure your child wears supportive and properly fitting footwear. This can provide the necessary cushioning and arch support to alleviate heel pain.

    Stretching Exercises

    Incorporate gentle stretching exercises into your child's routine, focusing on the calf muscles and the plantar fascia. Stretching can help improve flexibility and reduce tension in the affected area.

    Custom Orthotics

    Based on the diagnosis, a pediatric podiatrist may recommend custom orthotics. These are shoe inserts designed to provide additional support, cushioning, and alignment, addressing the specific needs of your child's feet.

    Physical Therapy

    In some cases, a podiatrist may prescribe physical therapy to strengthen the muscles and improve the overall biomechanics of the feet. Targeted exercises can be beneficial in reducing heel pain and preventing its recurrence.

    Preventing Heel Pain in Children

    As a parent, you can help your child prevent heel pain by taking proactive measures to ensure their foot health. You can do this by taking the following steps:

    • Ensure your child wears supportive, well-fitted shoes suitable for their activities.
    • Check for signs of worn-out or outgrown footwear.
    • Ensure a gradual increase in activity levels, avoiding sudden spikes in intensity to prevent conditions such as Severs disease and Achilles tendinitis.
    • Encourage your child to stretch the calf muscles to enhance flexibility and reduce strain on your child’s heels.
    • Ensure your child maintains a healthy weight to minimize stress on developing bones.
    • Schedule regular foot checks by our skilled podiatrist at Austin Foot & Ankle Specialists.