Our Top-Rated Podiatrists Explain How Regenerative Medicine May Be the Answer for Your Injured Tendons

Your foot consists of more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments that play a critical role in your ability to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Foot tendons in are cord-like tissues that connect muscles to bones and act as shock absorbers to reduce the impact to your feet. However, foot tendinitis can develop due to excessive force and the pressure of overuse. Treatment for foot and ankle tendinitis

The skilled podiatrists at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists regularly treat Central Texas patients who suffer this painful condition. Here, we discuss the types of treatment available for tendinitis and how we can help you move forward with your life.  

Types of Tendinitis in the Foot

Your foot and ankle are two of the most common places to develop tendinitis, and there are many different tendons that can be affected. The most common foot and ankle tendinitis types include the following:


This tendon is the strongest in your body and used when you run, jump, and push up on your toes. Achilles tendinitis is an overuse injury that results in pain along the back of the foot.


These tendons run along the top of the foot and attach bones at the front of your leg to your toes. Pain over the top of the foot or ankle can be an indication that this tendon has been injured.


Damage to these tendons causes pain along the outside of the foot or ankle. The peroneal tendons connect your midfoot to your arch and are important for stability.

Anterior Tibial

When this tendon, which helps the foot to flex upward, is injured, it often results in pain over the top of the foot or ankle.

Posterior Tibial

This tendon attaches a muscle at the back of your calf to the bones on the inside of your foot. It supports your foot and helps hold up your arch when you walk. Injuries to this tendon lead to pain along the inside of the foot or ankle.


These tendons connect a muscle in the calf to the toes and allow for toe movement and downward movement of the foot. When damaged, these tendons may cause pain on the bottom of the foot or inside of the ankle. These injuries commonly happen to dancers.

Treatment Options for Tendinitis

Failing to treat tendinitis can lead to ruptured tendons that require surgery to repair, so it’s important to see a knowledgeable podiatrist right away to help avoid invasive treatment.

There are several ways that tendinitis may be treated that do not involve surgery, and these strategies may be used individually or in combination, depending on factors such as the patient’s tendon elasticity, foot structure, activity levels, and footwear. Which options our foot and ankle doctors recommend will depend on the specifics of each case. Some of the ways we treat tendinitis include the following:


Temporarily decreasing movement in the injured tendon with a boot, brace, or other equipment allows for proper healing.

Kinesio Taping

Elastic tape may be applied to the affected area to reduce pain and swelling and improve blood flow.

Custom Orthotics

Orthotics can be used to correct biomechanical issues and/or inadequate support that lead to tendinitis and other foot issues. Custom-made orthotics are more durable and built specifically for the individual wearing them, to ensure a perfect fit for the long haul.

Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself and can often reduce the need for surgery and potentially habit-forming medications. Several different treatments fall within the category of regenerative medicine:

  • MLS laser therapy. By using light therapy to stimulate the body's own responses, laser therapy can reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation and decrease healing time.
  • Perinatal tissue and growth factor injection. A tissue matrix is injected into the foot to help with healing and inflammation.
  • Extracorporeal pulse activation technology (EPAT). Energy waves directed at the damaged area decrease recovery time by activating the body’s own repair systems.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Portions of a patient’s own blood are injected into the injured area to stimulate the growth of new cells and repair damaged cells. 
  • Minimally invasive surgery. Our doctors generally attempt to exhaust all less invasive methods before resorting to surgery. If other techniques fail or we have reason to believe they will not be likely to work, we recommend surgical options. The good news is that repairing a tendon is generally minimally invasive and requires little downtime.

How Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists Can Help

Our award-winning podiatry team is focused on delivering excellent care by educating ourselves and our patients, keeping up with the latest innovations in our field, and providing definitive diagnoses that allow our patients to make informed decisions about their care. We offer in-person and telehealth appointments with our English and Spanish-speaking staff.

Craig Thomajan
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Austin Podiatrist
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