The better you understand what is going on with your feet and ankles, the more likely it is that you will be able to commit to a treatment plan that will finally resolve your pain or discomfort. We provide a wealth of information in our foot & ankle care articles to help you do just that.
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OsteoarthritisContrary to a common misconception, arthritis has many forms. The one often thought of, though, is osteoarthritis, says Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists.
Os Trigonum: Toe Pointing and Ankle PainWith os trigonum syndrome, pointing your toes traps this extra bone in your ankle joint and causes pain, according to Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists.
Pediatric FlatfootPediatric flatfoot is often not a major issue, but the foot doctors at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists can ensure your child’s feet are alright.
Post-Injection InstructionsThe hope at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists is that conservative care will work, but sometimes steroid injections are used in treatment.
Pediatric and Adolescent Heel PainAdolescent heel pain is often, but not always, a matter of Sever’s disease. The doctors at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists look at this condition.
Pregnancy and Your FeetDuring pregnancy, it may be impossible to see your feet, but it is important not to neglect them, say the experts at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists.
Raynaud’s DiseaseThe experts at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists take a look at Raynaud’s disease and let you know more about this condition and how it effects your feet.
Rearfoot Surgery: When All Else FailsAfter conservative measures fail, rearfoot surgery is necessary to end heel pain. Dr. Craig H. Thomajan is a highly skilled foot surgeon.
Rheumatoid ArthritisThe doctors at Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists can properly diagnose your case of rheumatoid arthritis, and then provide the effective treatment you need.
Relieve Your Pain with Achilles Tendinitis SurgeryWhen ice and physical therapy isn’t enough, surgery may relieve pain from Achilles tendinitis. Austin Foot and Ankle Specialists explains the procedure.
Sinus Tarsi Syndrome: The Eye of the FootAn accident or sports injury that results in the ankle rolling outward or extreme over-pronation can both lead to Sinus Tarsi Syndrome.
Suffering Sesamoids! When Sesamoiditis Sets InSesamoid bones are attached to tendons and embedded in muscle that can become inflamed, causing sesamoiditis, causing pain and inflammation.